Ruta Mehta
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Coordinated Science Laboratory (Affiliate)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
TCS@UIUC group
Part of CS-CARES committee @UIUC
Email: rutameht (at) illinois
CV, Short Bio, DBLP page
Research Interests: Theoretical Computer Science; Economics, Game Theory and Computation; Fair Division; Interdisciplinary Applications of GT, e.g., to ML and Evolution.
Recent Publications
- Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find an Approximate Competitive Equilibrium for Chores. Shant Boodaghians, Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, and Ruta Mehta. Operations Research (OR) (minor revision).
- Improving EFX Guarantees Through Rainbow Cycle Number. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Kurt Mehlhorn, Ruta Mehta, Pranabendu Misra. Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR) (major revision)
- Competitive Allocation of a Mixed Manna. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Peter McGlaughlin, and Ruta Mehta. Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR) (accepted) (link).
- EFX: A Simpler Approach, and an (Almost) Optimal Guarantee via Rainbow Cycle Number. Hannaneh Akrami, Noga Alon, Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Ruta Mehta. Accepted to EC 2023.
- Fair and Efficient Allocation of Chores with Surpluses. Hannaneh Akrami, Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Ruta Mehta. Accepted to IJCAI 2023.
- Maximin Share Allocation for Assignment Valuations. Pooja Kulkarni, Rucha Kulkarni, and Ruta Mehta. Accepted to AAMAS 2023.
- Online revenue maximization for server pricing. Shant Boodaghians, Federico Fusco, Stefano Leonardi, Yishay Mansour, and Ruta Mehta. Journal of Autonomous Agents Multi Agent Systems (JAAMAS) 36(1): 11 (2022).
- Nash Social Welfare Approximation for Strategic Agents. Simina Branzei, Vasilis Gkatzelis, and Ruta Mehta. Operations Research (OR). 70(1): 402-415 (2022).
- Fairness in Federated Learning via Core-Stability. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Linyi Li, Mintong Kang, Bo Li, Ruta Mehta. NeurIPS 2022. (Spotlight or equivalent.)
- Competitive Equilibrium with Chores: Combinatorial Algorithm and Hardness. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Peter McGlaughlin, Ruta Mehta. EC 2022.
- (Almost) Envy-Free, Proportional and Efficient Allocations of an Indivisible Mixed Manna. Vasilios Livanos, Ruta Mehta, Aniket Murhekar. AAMAS 2022.
- On the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium with Chores. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Peter McGlaughlin, Ruta Mehta. ITCS 2022.
- Polynomial Time Algorithms to Find an Approximate Competitive Equilibrium for Chores. Shant Boodaghians, Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Ruta Mehta. SODA 2022.
- Fast Algorithms for Rank-1 Bimatrix Games. Bharat Adsul, Jugal Garg, Ruta Mehta, Milind Sohoni, and Bernhard von Stengel. Operations Research (OR). 69(2): 613-631 (2021).
- Indivisible Mixed Manna: On the Computability of MMS + PO Allocations. Rucha Kulkarni, Ruta Mehta, Setareh Taki. EC 2021. (all women authors 😊)
- Improving EFX Guarantees through Rainbow Cycle Number. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Kurt Mehlhorn, Ruta Mehta, Pranabendu Misra. EC 2021.
- Competitive Allocation of a Mixed Manna. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Peter McGlaughlin, Ruta Mehta. SODA 2021.
- PTAS for Maximin Shares in an Indivisible Mixed Manna. Rucha Kulkarni, Ruta Mehta, and Setareh Taki. AAAI 2021. (all women authors)
- Fair and Efficient Allocations under Subadditive Valuations. Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, and Ruta Mehta. AAAI 2021.
Recent/Upcoming Invited Talks/Panels
- Workshop in the Honor of 70th Birthday of Mihalis Yannakakis, Aug 2023 (invited).
- Mini Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory at CanaDAM, June 2023 (invited).
- TCS Seminar at Jagiellonian, April 2023.
- Duke CS Theory Seminar, April 2023.
- Multi-Agent Systems Workshop at Bellairs, Barbados, March 2023 (invited).
- Recent Advances on Total Search Problems Workshop, July 2022.
- Cornell University, Theory Seminar, May 2022.
- C3.AI DTI Colloquium, April 2022. (talk video)
- MIT, Algorithms and Complexity Seminar, April 2022.
- University of Washington, Theory Seminar, April 2022.
- Israel AGT Seminar, March 2022.
- Harvard, EconCS seminar, March 2022.
- Purdue, CS Colloquim, Nov 2021.
- CSL Seminar, U. of I. at Urbana-Champaign, Oct 2021.
- Columbia Theory Seminar, Oct 2021.
- ISYE Seminar, U. of I. at Urbana-Champaign, Oct 2021.
- FaiRACAC workshop, co-located with EC 2021.
- Job Market Panel w/ Shuchi Chawla, Scott Kominer, and Ariel Procaccia. EC Mentoring workshop, 2021.
- 13th Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT 2020). (keynote)
- 21st Max Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science (ADFOCS 2020). (honored to be one of three speakers)
- RAIN Seminar at Stanford, Oct 2020.
Selected Awards
- NSF CAREER Award, 2018.
- Placed on the List of Instructors Rated as Excellent by Their Students, Spring 2017 and Fall 2021.
- Simons Berkeley Research Fellow, 2015.
- Outstanding Post-Doctoral Researcher Award, Georgia Tech, 2014.
- ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award 2012.